Personal loan

Borrow online at the lowest interest rate via Postkrediet

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  • Arrange it online from request to payment

  • Personal loan at the lowest interest rate

  • A quotation is free and without any obligation

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Vanaf 6.6% Rente
Bruto maand inkomen
Bruto maand inkomen partner
Hypotheek per maand
Thuiswonende kinderen?
€ 20.333,-

Dit is een indicatieve berekening, voor een exacte berekening ontvangen wij graag een offerte aanvraag van u.

  • Personal loan Netherlands

Apply for a personal loan

Why apply for a personal loan? With a personal loan, you know exactly where you stand by characteristics as a fixed term, fixed interest and a fixed monthly installment. Personal loans in The Netherlands offer full clarity, so you do not get any unpleasant surprises. You know in advance the term you will pay the agreed monthly payment. We have set out our most favorable interest rates for our personal loans for you. Please find all the information below.

How to request a personal loan online?

Loan Netherlands: How can I get a personal loan immediately? Requesting a personal loan online takes only up to 2 minutes. You can apply for a loan completely online at Postkrediet. To request a free quote, you only have to take a few minor actions. In two simple steps you can request a loan whenever you want.

Application procedure

Once you have requested a loan you will receive a quote in your mailbox. All information is accessible through our online portal called “Mijn Postkrediet”. It takes up to 2 days for all your uploaded documents to be approved. The amount will then be paid by the bank into your bank account.

The term of the loan in The Netherlands

A personal loan in The Netherlands has a term between 6 months and 120 months. It is important for clients to realize that the term should equal the lifetime of the product you bought with the loan. That is not mandatory of course but it makes your life easier. You do not want to pay any outstanding amounts on your loan while the product’s lifetime is already over.

Is it possible to extend the loan? Under certain conditions you can extend the term of the loan to up to 15 years (180 months). This is in case you want to use the loan to repay your mortgage debt or pay for home improvement. For more information please contact our staff.

Features personal loan:

  • Borrowing a fixed amount in one single payment.
  • You do not need a current account with Postkrediet. We only offer loans.
  • You borrow at fixed interest rates.
  • All information is accessible through “Mijn Postkrediet”.
  • You pay a fixed monthly installment for interest and repayment.
  • Loan with a fixed term.
  • Repayment of the loan without a penalty is possible.
  • With personal loans it is easier to get with a high credit score.
  • Apply for a personal financing loan of 10.000 or more.

What does a private loan in the Netherlands mean?

Private loans in The Netherlands are made by private organizations like banks, credit unions, and have terms and conditions that are set by the lender. As such a loan at Postkrediet can be considered a private loan. We distinguish private loans between a personal loan and a revolving credit. We as the lender determine the contractual agreements and interest rates. Please contact us if you would like to receive more info on private loans in The Netherlands.

Fast credit Netherlands? Fast loan in Netherland? Is that a solution you would like? At Postkrediet we try to be as thoroughly as possible so we can guarantee you a trustworthy loan. Therefore our process takes a couple of days. If that is fast enough for you please request a free quote for a loan.

Request a free quote?

Online loan Netherlands. Our staff will be happy to help applying for a Personal Loan. Thanks to our online application process, you quickly receive various bids from banks with which we work. It can all go very quickly here at Postkrediet. You simply choose the best and most advantageous loan. Our interest rates are currently at a very low rate. Requesting a quote at Postkrediet is completely free from obligation. Do you have any questions or do you want to apply for a personal loan quickly? We are happy to help.

Apply for a personal loan

FAQ personal loans

What is the Dutch Credit Registration Office (BKR)?

The Dutch Credit Registration Office is a trustworthy institute in The Netherlands. We will always check your credit history with the Dutch Credit Registration Office (BKR) after the application of a private loan. After Postkrediet approves your personal loan, the loan is registered at BKR. After full payment of the loan you will be deregistered from the BKR.

Is it possible to get a personal loan to pay off debt?

It is possible to take out a loan if you have debts. Your debts may not be too high and you may not have a negative registration with the Dutch Credit Registration Office (BKR). In other words: no past payment problems should be detected.

How does a credit score work?

We use the credit score to determine your creditworthiness and this credit score is for individuals. How do we determine the credit score? We make a request to the Dutch Credit Registration Office (BKR) to access your credit situation. They provide us with information like: the size of current loans, overdrafts and other negative balances, the types of loans you have outstanding such as a mortgage or credit card debt, late repayments that lasted longer than 30 days and history of your potential loans and negative balances.

Are additional payments on personal loans possible?

It is always possible to repay an extra amount on your loan. Just transfer the additional money to Postkrediet or contact us if you want to know more. When you make additional repayments on your loan we will not charge early repayment fees.

What is the reliability of online loan applications?

The reliability of an online credit bank like Postkrediet is important. How can you tell if we are reliable? • We are registered with the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). • The reviews from our customers speak for themselves. • Throughout the process of applying and closing, you will notice how reliable we are. Everything is non-binding, so you can check everything thoroughly.

Personal loan process

Personal loan financing

1. Apply for a loan online Request for a no-obligation quote to borrow money.

private and personal loans

2. Compare loans Borrowing money means that you first compare cheap loans.

Personal loan - private loan

3. Digitally handing in documents In the "mijn omgeving" you upload the documents for the loan

personal loan

4. Payout Borrowing money also means that you get your money paid out.

Meer over onze werkwijze
lening vanaf
6,6% !
Kredietbedrag€ 40.000,- Maandtermijn€ 454,-
Variabele debetrente6,6% Jaarlijks kostenpercentage6,6%
Theoretische looptijd120 maanden Totaalprijs van het krediet€ 54.503,-
De laagste rente geldt alleen bij het leendoel verduurzamen van de woning voor andere doelen geldt een hoger percentage. Deze berekening is een richtlijn en je kunt hieraan geen rechten ontlenen. We gaan hierbij uit van de laagste rente die we u kunnen aanbieden. De exacte rente hangt af van uw persoonlijke omstandigheden en kan variëren. De minimale looptijd is 6 maanden en de maximale looptijd is 120 maanden. De minimale rente is 6,6% en de maximale wettelijke rente is 12% per jaar.